
Harvard 2100

'I See Water': Harvard and the Psychic Connection

Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis'68 confesses that his crystal ball was murky at best. Still, like Power, water ran through his predictions for the Harvard of the future.

" I suppose my greatest worry for Harvard is that it will be under water due to global warming!" Lewis wrote in an e-mail message. "It is a sad consequence of our colonial roots that we were founded near sea level. But there I go--speaking in terms of hopes and fears rather than predictions."


Lewis says he avoids publicizing the prophecies of his crystal ball for fear they will be taken too seriously.

"Truly I have lived long enough to be skeptical about futurology. And honest predictions are so likely to be taken as goals to be striven for, or the pessimistic ramblings of old curmudgeons," he writes.

Outside of the Yard, Holland sees less loyalty to traditional Harvard architecture. While the oldest buildings are preserved, he predicts, glass and steel will dominate new construction.

Verging on Merging

Although Harvard's buildings will be preserved, the college experience for students will be extremely different from today, according to Holland's vision.

One of the biggest changes Holland sees is a union between the University and another company in the next century.

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