
Harvard 2100

'I See Water': Harvard and the Psychic Connection

"Harvard is going to be merged--it's almost like a company merger," Holland predicts.

"Big business runs the schooling system. Harvard is going to have a slash and another name [to follow it] like Harvard/IBM," says Holland about the solution to Harvard's future funding problems. Holland was quick to assert that he did not see IBM as that partner.


He also allayed the fears of alumni now and in the future, offering that "Harvard will always be Harvard, it will have top billing."

The presence of the businesses will allow smaller, interactive affiliates around the country.

"I'm seeing this big screen. I see a screen, Internet-based. And there are not just people in lecture halls, not just in Boston," Holland says--though he admits that this isn't much of a prediction because distance learning is "most likely going to happen anyway."

These screens will change the face of collegiate instruction. Holland says computers running these screens will not displace the need for teachers, but their role will change.

"There will always be teachers, but more computers and teachers running the computers," Holland forecasts.

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