
Memos From Turner


Studies by our psychiatric staff in laboratories miles apart indicate that these lyrics, taken from the album Fear of Music by Talking Heads, foster feelings of paranoia, confusion and even suicidal tendencies among the teens who listen to it. Furthermore, the snarling, guttural singing style of the group's lead singer--Mr. David Byrne--along with the hypnotic, repetitious, electronically treated music the group provides, could provoke listeners with extant mental imbalances to acts of violent destruction. The same group, in fact, performed a song called "Psycho Killer" on an earlier album.

The mental health experts who conducted this study unanimously report that today's public needs soothing, simple music designed to ease the strains of modern life. Music like Talking Heads', with its complex layers of oddly syncopated rhythms, serves no useful social function. Furthermore, their album is produced and heavily influenced by Mr. Brain Eno, a notorious balding man who named his second album after a piece of Red Chinese propaganda.

Another song on Talking Heads' album contains these lyrics:

Lauli lonni cadori gadjam

A bim beri glassala glandride


A glassala tuffm i zimbra

Meaningless as written, this song when played backwards contains detailed plans for the construction of a working hydrogen bomb, as well as the line "Paul is dead" repeated several times. We feel it is imperative that this record be removed from the market before it permanently scars the psyches of our youths.

Memo #2. New Wave Music Advocates the Violent Overthrow of the Lawful Elected Government of the United States

Black people gotta lot of problems

But they don't mind throwing a brick

White people go to school

Where they teach you how to be thick

An everybody's doing

just what they're told to

An nobody wants

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