
Our Christmas Reuelry

There's Texas and cognac but no last hurrah.

John Paul the Second gave Boston a blessing

With bread and (yes) wine and a T.V. confessing.

And by no means fail to mention, before we're all abed,

Two friends no longer with us--Burr Hall and Mr. Ed.


To Karim Aga Khan and Thomas Parsekian,

Helmut Schmidt, Greg Nagy and Tommy Stefanian,

J.H. Parry, W.J. Bate, Pat Sorrento, Al Vellucci,

Norman Mailer, Stephen Weinberg, Andrew Young and John Bellucci,

Omeljan Pritsak, Joshua Nkomo, Lewis Brooks and Otto Eckstein,

Aglaia Sense, Yo-Yo Ma, Peter Gomes and Leonard Bernstein,

Alan J. Pakula, W.V.O. Quine, Giscard D'Estaing and Seymour Slive,

Heng Samrin, Francis Coppola, Johnny Rotten and John Clive,

Glen Bowesock, Bonwit Teller, Barney Frank and Mangol Bayat,

Tom Stoppard, Muhammad Ali, Sadegh Ghotbzadeh and Howard Hiatt--
