
Our Christmas Reuelry

RUMOR HAS IT there's a White House for sale

And interested buyers have hit the long trail.

Teddy admitted he wants to be prez

But he ought to restrain all the dumb things he says.

Jimmy is struggling to prop up his case


While Jerry has left for the corners of space.

From the West Coast, once more, we're hearing from Ronny

And from Texas, the familiar war-whoops of Johnny.

At campaign dinners through the land, the liquor will flow out

As people bet on who's ahead, who's future is in doubt.

But when the battle gets too rough, and voters stop to think,

They'll cast away their politics and pledge themselves to drink.

WE EXTEND our wall-poster holiday greeting

To Teng Shiao--whoops, that is Deng Xiaoping.

For Idi Amin, Papa Bok, Somoza and the Shah
