
Our Christmas Reuelry

Should summon our thoughts towards a merrier day;

No need for our trials to leave us depressed--

We'll open our bottles and drink with our guests.

Our Faculty first, those tutors of youth,

Whose lecturing sparkles with wisdom and truth;


With Henry Rosovsky the Chivas we'll pour

And say his Curriculum's new to the core.

For E. O. Wilson the year has been kind:

A non-fiction Pulitzer for a non-fiction mind.

Let none say the repute of our College has waned--

For Valentyn Moroz came from the Ukraine.

At dozens of Harvard clubs, alumni will swill

Martinis--and millions will flow in the till

Of Bob Kaufmann, Peter Clifton, Tom Reardon, Fred Glimp;

The alumni will give till their wallets are limp.
