
A Christmas Chimera

Drink deep in Christmas cheer for C. Titcomb.

Take another pull for Lewis Brooks,

And drink to the bottom for Miss Fickett, of the books.

We wish we could name all of whom we're fond,

But we'll have to end here, with merry John Marquand.


Other Harvard dons lurk over all the land,

Men like victriolic D.P. Moynihan,

And the good Dean and University Professor,

John Dunlop, the man who is labor's confessor.

For Kissinger, Richardson, champagne sips

On the day (let's hope soon) when they get their pink slips.

There's not much to say about Jerry Ford,

By some he's well-liked, by others abhorred.

As all things--even presidents and poems--must come to an end

We say: On earth, peace, good will toward men.

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