
A Christmas Chimera

Dance a revolutionary peasants' morrice,

For Theda Skocpol and Higgonet, Patrice.

Salud to Seth Kupferberg and Dan Swanson,

A pretty reason for seven stars to jester Carlson.

A pepper for Nozick, liber- and vege- tarian,


Good Luck to David Perkins as English Lit's new chairman.

Crimson stay socialist, anti-imperialist,

Tenure for Isaac, accomplished linguist.

Toasts go on, the gifts seem small,

Praise for conscientious Ruth Hubbard, George Wald.

Huzzahs for Nash, Fellini's Roma for Clive,

The New Kibbutz for Marty Peretz, more museum space for Seymour Slive.

The verdict's still out on Sociobiological Wilson,

So here's to Davis, Trivers, him and Lewontin,

Pick up a mug of beer, brush off the foam.

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