
The Know-Your-President-Warts-and-All Quiz

92 In a March 1970 speech, what did Nixon say was his administration's first priority? At that time, how many sorties were American planes flying daily over Laos?

93 About what major American crop did Nixon say, "I don't even know what one looks like"?

94 One of Nixon's 1968 campaign slogans came from a poster held up by a young girl in Ohio. What did the poster say?

95-100 Name the six crises.

Bonus Question


(may be substituted for five wrong answers)

In the second Kennedy-Nixon debate, Nixon claimed that Eisenhower had restored three things to the presidency. The first two were dignity and decency. What did he identify--"frankly"--as the third?

P: 'I said I wanted the answers...'

1. He was slow and clumsy, and too eager--he kept jumping offsides.

2. Watching a televised football game.

3. Watching a televised football game.

4. Don Shula of the Miami Dolphins.

5. The Dallas Cowboys

6. A demonstrator who spat in his face; Caracas, Venezuela; 1958.

7. Press Secretary Ronald L. Ziegler; New Orleans; 1973.
