
The Know-Your-President-Warts-and-All Quiz

83. henry A. Kissinger '50 and the members of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

84. Federal Judge John J. Sirica.

85. "Your have to understand the president's sense of humor..."

86. God's.

87. Cottage cheese.


88. Peace, civil rights, and tolerance.

89. "The Impossible Dream"; Dave Brubreck.

90. When the Nixon family saw King of Kings, "Julie exclaimed, 'It was wonderful! I cried so much.' Tricia said, 'I didn't cry when Christ died--He had suffered so much. I cried during the Sermon on the Mount because it was so beautiful."

91. Georges Pompidou's funeral.

92. Peace; figures vary. Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) put it at 12,500-15,000.

93. soybeans.

94. "Bring Us Together Again."

95-100. The Hiss case (1948), the fund furor and Checkers speech (1952), Ike's heart attach (1955), the Latin American tour (1958), the Kitchen Debate with Kruschev (1959), the 1960 presidential campaign.

BONUS. "Good language."
