
The Know-Your-President-Warts-and-All Quiz

23. "I'm a friend of yours, but I can't identify myself. I just wanted you to know Jerry Voorhis is a Communist."

24. Oil.

25. Tricia.

26. Helen Gahagan Douglas.

27. Lists of congressional votes on which Douglas had taken the same stand as Rep. Vito Marcantonio (Amer. Labor N.Y.).


28. Dean Acheson's College of Cowardly Communist containment.

29. "Destroying the forces of communism at home and abroad."

30. Blacks and Jews.

31. Cocker Spaniel.

32. Eisenhower.

33. "She's a wonderful stenographer."

34. "Respectable Republican."

35. Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala.), the Democratic vice-presidential candidate.

36. A 1950 Oldsmobile.

37. $0.
