
The Know-Your-President-Warts-and-All Quiz

38 What was Nixon saying as his TV time ran out?

39 In addition to Checkers, what other gifts did Nixon allegedly receive?

40 What was Nixon's immediate assessment of the speech?

Rendevous With Destiny

41 What percentage of the "6926 Communists, fellow travelers, sex perverts, people with criminal records, dope addicts, drunks, and other security risks" Nixon charged the Truman administration had hired were removed by Eisenhower?


42 While vice president, how many times did Nixon cancel his subtion to The Washington Post?

43 When was the "New Nixon" introduced?

44 Who was Henry "The Dutchman" Grunwald?

45 Who did Nixon say was responsible for the 1954 Supreme Court decision on school integration?

46 On what aspect of that decision did Nixon later say Americans could have "honest differences of opinion"?

47 In his 1959 "kitchen debate" with Kruschev, what did Nixon cite to evidence American superiority?

48 What did Nixon do in 1960 at the Iowa School for the Deaf, and in 1968 at the Michigan School for the Deaf?

49 What advice did vice-presidential candidate Henry Cabot Lodge give to Nixon before the first Kennedy debate?

50 In the closing days of the 1960 campaign, Nixon promised to implement a policy of "Peace and Surrender." What did he actually intend to say?

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