
Political Clinkers and Cultural Slag

But when the pinko press attacked, with arguments that puzzled me,

The highest brass turned chicken and immediately muzzled me.

I had a blow from which I know I never will recover nor

Forget: my fellow Texans failed to choose me as their governor,

But when Ole Miss. displayed abysmal cowardice by quieting,


I rallied kids and hooligans and birched them into rioting.

Then just when decent citizens were hailing me as savior

Some loony bastards jugged me claiming psycho-type behavior,

But not for long. I'm still the D.A.Rling havoc wreaker who

Exposes all those phonies playing N.A.A.C.Peekaboo.

You think I'm just a splinter whittled off from Barry's 2-b-four

But me I've got some plans the likes of which you never knew before

And legions are behind me with the strength to make that splinter great

So just relax--we're going to make America dis-integrate.

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