
Political Clinkers and Cultural Slag

How strange that the Harvard parietal stir

Should have caused such anxietal flying of fur

When it wasn't alarming, outre or berserk,

But just the co-edipus complex at work.

General Alarm


I am the very model of the modern Major-General,

In mufti at the moment, for in Washington those men are all

Subversive Kremlin agents, commy-symps, and un-American,

Which means a patriot must shout his message when and where he can;

I taught my soldiers politics, I helped them with their balloting;

I gave those sluggish unwashed minds some badly needed valeting;

I told the world the facts about the communist conspiracy--

An educated man like I can make such matters clearer, see?

You'd think my country'd thank me in some large or even puny form--

A medal and a few more stars to ornament my uniform--
