
A Long, Hot Summa

Cabbages and Kings

GEO.: I never saw her, Fred, you just told me about her. For about six weeks. Say, why don't you call her up for this weekend?

FRED: It's too late.

GEO.: No it isn't. Go ahead, you need some action.

FRED: Besides, I never found out her name.

GEO.: So that's why you wouldn't tell me.


FRED: Well if I had told you it would have been all over everyplace in no time.

GEO.: But I don't know anybody to tell it to, Fred.

FRED: Okay. Forget it. I'm not calling her up.

GEO.: Okay. Forget it.

FRED: Besides, I had junior generals so I had to stop working on the play.

GEO.: I know, Fred. It's okay.

FRED: But when I see her in Sever now she doesn't even look at me.

GEO.: It happens, Fred. It's okay.

FRED: If only I knew what her name was.

GEO.: But you really scored on junior generals.
