
A Long, Hot Summa

Cabbages and Kings

GEO.: I think even his girlfriend called him that. Until he left.

FRED: Wasn't that when we discovered you and I didn't know anybody else in the entry, he was the only one who knew the guys?

GEO.: Yeah. But it was nice to have a triple with only two people in it.

FRED: Unlike the single next door, which always had two people in it, if you know what I mean.

GEO.: I know what you mean. Lots of action, right?


FRED: Yeah, lots and lots of action.

GEO.: Right.

A LADY IN GREEN: Time to go, fellas.

FRED: It's still light enough to see by. Want another cup of coffee before they take it away?

GEO.: Sure. (Fred gets coffee.)

FRED: Hey, what're you doing? Another high school poem?

GEO.: No, I learned this one in grade school.

FRED: "I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely--"

GEO.: No, Fred, you had the dramatic urge last year.

FRED: Yeah. (Sighs.) Remember that beautiful Cliffie with the long brown hair?
