
A Long, Hot Summa

Cabbages and Kings

FRED: Yeah, so did I. But the other guys all said they really had a good time.

GEO.: They had hour exams too.

FRED: But they had a really good time.

GEO.: Lots of action, I bet.

FRED: Yeah, lots of action. Say, wasn't that the hour exam with a median of 36?


GEO.: Yeah, remember, we both got 90 on it. Can you remember what the exam was about?

FRED: No, can you?

GEO.: Yeah, it was about the principle of mass action.

FRED: Oh yeah, that's right.

A BOY IN WHITE: Are you through with your trays yet?

FRED: Here, take them away.

GEO.: Give me back my coffee.

FRED: Sorry. (Silence.) Gee, I wonder what ever happened to Wild Willy. Have you heard from him this year?

GEO.: No. Have you?

FRED: Nope. I was just wondering. Now there was a boy who saw a lot of action. Wilson the Wunderkind, they used to call him sophomore year.
