

$3865 Offered Annually to Undergraduates--Book Prizes for Scholarship and Medals for Public Speaking Included in List

9. The Medal of the Comite France-Amerique.

For: the successful contestant in an annual declamation in French, to be held this year some time in May.

Candidates should consult Professor L. J. Mercier.

10. The George B. Sohier Prize of $250.

For: the best thesis presented by a successful candidate for Honors in English or in Modern Literature.


Open to: students in the College, the Graduate School, and in Radcliffe College.

III. Prizes in Public Speaking and Debating.

1. The Coolidge Debating Prize of $100.

For: the best speaker in the trials for the Harvard-Yale-Princeton triangular debate.

2. The Boylston and Lee Wade Prizes for elocution of $50, $35, and $25, respectively.

For: the successful candidates in a competition for elocution.

Open to: Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores in good standing. Selections should be submitted to Dean Briggs, University 10, on or before the first Thursday in April. The competition will be held on the second Thursday in May.

IV. Prizes in Music and Fine Arts.

1. The George Arthur Knight Prize of $75.

For: the best composition in instrumental music.
