

$3865 Offered Annually to Undergraduates--Book Prizes for Scholarship and Medals for Public Speaking Included in List

Each year 32 prizes, amounting to a sum total-of $3865, are offered to undergraduates in the University. In addition to those financial awards, book prizes called Deturs, are presented to all men who attain for the first time a position in the first scholarship group. Two medals are also offered for public speaking. The medal of the Comite France-Amerique is presented to the successful contestant in an annual declamation conducted in French, while the Pasteur med al goes to the best speaker at an annual debate conducted in English.

For the convenience of any men interested in this subject, the CRIMSON is submitting the following list of prizes that are still open for competition among undergraduateas during 1921-1922. Many of these prizes are open to men in the graduate schools, as well as to undergraduates, and some only to certain classes in the College, but in such cases the information is included. The date and place accompanying the name of the prize are the last day and the room where they will be accepted. As it is impossible to include all the necessary details in this article, men are advised to obtain further information from the Secretary of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at University 9.

I. Prizes in the fields of History, Government and Economics.

1. The Bennett Prize of $100

For: the best essay on some subject of American governmental, domestic or foreign policy.


Open to: Seniors of Harvard College and to Special Students in their third or fourth year who have taken-courses in Political Science and English Literature.

University 9--May 1.

2. The All-American Cables Prizes of $250 and $100.

For: the two best essays of not more than 5000 words on "The Value of American Owned Cables to the American Government and the Merchant."

Open to. all members of the University.

University 17--May 1.

3. The Ricardo Prize Scholarship of $350.

For: the best essay written in a stated examination.

Open to: Seniors or members of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, to enable the winner to carry on studies next year under the supervision of the Department of Economics.

Place of examination to be announced later. Examination to be held not later than May 1.
