

$3865 Offered Annually to Undergraduates--Book Prizes for Scholarship and Medals for Public Speaking Included in List

4. The Sumner Prize of $100.

For: the best dissertation on a subject connected with universal peace and the methods by which war may be permanently superseded.

Open to: any members of the University.

University 9--May 1.

5. The David A. Wells Prize of $500.


For: the best thesis in Economics embodying the results of original investigation.

Open to: Seniors and graduates of not more than three years' standing in any department of the University.

University 9--November 1, 1922.

6. The Philip Washburn Prize of $125.

For: the best thesis, of sufficient merit, on a historical subject, presented by a successful candidate for a degree of A.B. with distinction in History, Government, and Economics, whose main work is in History.

II. Prizes in Language and Literature.

1. The Bowdoin Prizes, one of $250, and two of $100, for dissertations in English. One prize of $50 for a translation into Greek. One prize of $50 for a translation into Latin. Further information about the translation may be found in the Catalogue.

Open to: undergraduates.

University 20--Before 10 o'clock, April 1.

2. The Lloyd McKim Garrison Prize of $125 and a silver medal.
