For: the best poem on "Russia".
Open to: all undergraduates.
University 9--April 1.
3. The Jeremy Belknap Prize of $50.
For: the best French composition.
Open to: first-year students in Harvard College, who have passed the advanced French examination for admission or have done satisfactory work in a three years' course in French at school; provided they have not had exceptional opportunities for speaking French.
University 9--By May 1.
Notice of intention to compete should be sent to the Secretary of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
4. The Helen Choate Bell Prize of $275.
For: the best essay on a subject in American Literature.
Open to: any student in the University or Radcliffe College.
University 10--May 1.
5. The Dante Prize of $100.
For: the best essay on a subject from the life or works of Dante,
Open to: students in any department of the University or graduates of not more than three years' standing of any college or university in the United States.
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