
List of the Freshman Class.

Eddy, Henry Brevoort.

Ellsworth, Samuel W., 54 Mt Auburn.

Emerson, Gup Thorp, Waltham.

Ewer, Maurice Henry, 42 Hastings.

Fabel. Charles Frederick,


Farnsworth, William Oliver, Boston.

Farwell, Sidney E., 16 Holworthy.

Farquhar, Robert David.

Fay, Harrison Gilbert, Chelsea.

Fearing, George Richmond, 3 Manter

Fiske, Charles Henry, 54 Hastings.

Flint, H. L., 8 Chauncey street.

Ford, Joseph Sherman.

French, R. T., 736 Cambridge street.

Fridenberg, S. L., 59 College House.
