
List of the Freshman Class.

Strans, J I, 40 Kirkland street

Stetson, F E, 7 Hastings

Sanborn, Walter L, 38 Hastings

Saville, Huntington, 57 Shephard St

Schurz, Carl L, 40 Kirkland street


Sears, Harry E, 4 Thayer

Sears, Langley B, Brookline

Sewall, Harold I, 100 Mt Auburn

Shaw, Edward D, 6 Fellen street

Shead, Oliver W, 11 Grays

Sherwood, Howard C, 96 Prescott St.

Shope, Charles W

Sibley, George F, 14 Oxford street

Slade, Conrad H, 8 Foxcroft

Smith, Howard Caswell, 8 Manter hall
