
List of the Freshman Class.

Soren, Townsend H, 1 College House

Spalding, Fsed M, Irving Cresent

Stearns, F St. John, North Cambridge

Stearns, Francis U, 18 Thayer.

Steinhart, J Henry, 94 Prescott street


Stevens, Ralph L, 364 Harvard street

Stickney, Henry H, Chelsea

Stone, Arthur P, 132 North avenue

Stone, Phillip D, 39 Thayer

Stone Richmond, 60 Brattle street

Strong, W J H, 44 Hastings

Stubbs, Frank R, 45 Pearl street

Sturgis, Charles R, 7 Linden street

Sanders, Louis P, 2 Hastings

Sarsfield, John L
