
List of the Freshman Class.

Guerin, Michael H. 2 Matthews.

Heard, J. T., 8 Appian Way.

Hiles, E. O. Jamaicia Plain.

Hill, G. W. C., 5 Felton.

Hoppin, J. C., 2 Hilton.


Hoppins, Tracy. 24 Holyoke street.

Hubbard, C. G., 54 Garden street.

Hyans, C. H., 6 Beck.

Hyatt, Alpheus jr., 7 Avon street.

Hall, Thomas.

Hawes, O. B., 42 College House.

Heywood, W. C, 58 Hastings.

Hughes. J. T., 1 Parkman street.

Hunt, Edward Livingston, 16 Thayer.

Huntington, Charles Pratt.
