

V. 4 20. 100-yards dash, barring all who have a record better than 11 seconds. Trial heats.

VI. 4.25. 1/2-mile run.

VII. 4.30. 120-yards hurdle.

VIII. 4.35. Final heat, 100-yards for football men.

IX. 4.40. Final heat, 100-yards 11-second limit.


X. 4.45. 220-yards dash, open to undergraduates from any College.

XI. 4.45. Pole leaping.

XII. 4.50 1/4-mile run, open only to members of the Football Teams.

XIII. 4.55. 1-5-mile hurdle, open to members of the H. A. A., graduates of the H. A. A., and undergraduates from any college.

Entries close Tuesday, October 25, at 1 o'clock, and can be made to H. R. Woodward, 14 Holworthy, or to E. J. Wendell, 9 Linden St. $1.00 must accompany each entry, to be returned to all who cover the distance. Prizes, silver and bronze medals.

Gold best-on-record medals will be given to any one beating the best American College record at any of the events except the 1-5-mile hurdle.

If owing to the entries the time of starting any of the above events has to be changed, it will be published in the Echo, as also on the programme on the day of the sports.
