

September 28, Flunked.

September 29, Father took the dust off my clothes. - Argus.

AT a meeting of the committee appointed by the Junior Class to take action on the death of BYRON ELLIS BAKER, the following resolutions were adopted: -

Whereas, During the past summer death has taken from us our member, Byron Ellis Baker;

Resolved, That we deeply deplore the loss of our classmate and friend, - remembering alike his amiable qualities and intellectual promise.


Resolved, That we wish to extend to the family of the deceased our sympathy in their bereavement.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family; and to the Crimson and Cambridge Tribune, for publication.

MR. D. O. MILLS has given $75,000 to the University of California, to endow a chair of Moral and Mental Philosophy. Mr. Mills is probably of the opinion that California needs some instruction in this direction.

ENGLAND has four Universities, France fifteen, and Germany twenty-two. Ohio, with that simplicity which is characteristic of the West, contents itself with thirty-seven. - Columbia Spectator.

H. A. A.THE Fall Meeting of the Athletic Association will take place on Jarvis on Wednesday, October 26, at 4 P.M. The following events will be contested, and will be started on time. Contestants will see from the programme at what time each event is called, and must present themselves on the track at the appointed time, or the event will be started without them. The following is the list and the hour at which each event will be started: -

I. 4.00 P.M. 1-mile run.

II. 4.10. 100-yards dash, open only to members of the football teams. Trial heats.

III. 4.15 1/4-mile run, barring all who have a record of 55 seconds or better.

IV. 4 15. Running broad jump.
