

IT is possible that Mr. Pfeiffer will row again this year.

MR. LOWELL has resigned the office of Treasurer of the Boat Club.

MR. WENDELL won the final heat and cup in the sports at Philadelphia.

MR. G. S. WEED has been appointed manager of the Freshman Crew.

THE Base Ball Association is in a very good contion as regards finances.


F. WARREN, '82, and H. D. Sedgwick, '82, will not return to College this year.

SMYTH, '83, and Beane, '84, are trying for pitcher's position on the University Nine.

AND now the aesthetes declare that Hamlet said: "O that this too-too solid flesh would melt!"

THE officers of the Pierian Sodality are: President, A. E. Miles; Vice-President and Treasurer, C. P. Perin; Secretary, M. Loeb.

THE Cricket Club will try to arrange matches with Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Trinity. Several new men are trying for the Team.

E. J. WENDELL, '82, easily won the 100-yards and 220-yards runs at the games of the Young America Cricket Club in Philadelphia last Saturday, his times for the distances being 10 1/4 and 24 1/2 sec. respectively.

AT a meeting of the Base Ball Association Wednesday evening, the following gentlemen were elected officers: President, Mr. Pendleton, '82; Vice-President and Scorer, Mr. Edwards, '83; and Manager, Mr. Leavitt, '82.

THE following have been elected officers of the Glee Club: President, E. H. Pendleton, '82; Vice-President, H. G. Chapin, '82; Secretary, Joseph Dorr, '83; Assistant Secretary, C. Hamlin, '83; and Treasurer, M. Earle, '83.

FRESHMEN can join the Athletic Association at 14 Holworthy on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 11 A.M. H. A. A. shingles may also be obtained there.

NOTICE. - Beginning with this number, the Crimson will be delivered at the rooms of those who leave word to that effect at Sever's.
