FROM THE E???.BRAN and Meal, '8, have been expelled from the MR. DURNEM will meat his sections in Shphmor Stewed Rhetoric at three o'clock to-day.
It is a fales rumor that Chemistery I. is to be given up.
WE have heard nothing lately concerning Mr. Chalfote.
CAPTAIN HAMMOND does not expect his men to recite with the Sophomore crew or kick at the examinations. Thus the division of interest, simple and complicated, will be avoided.
THE following resolutions on the death of Mr. Arthur O. Jameson, '81, have been adopted by the Harvard chapter of the Alpha Deta Phi Fraternity:-
Whereas, It has pleased God to take from us our brother, Arthur Orcutt Jameson;
Resolved, That we, the members of the Harvard chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity desire to express our sorrow for his loss, and our sympathy with his bereaved family and friends.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to his family.
Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be sent to all the chapters of the Fraternity and inserted in the College papers.
A DIARY OF THE TIMES.May 20, Conditioned.
June and July, Loafed.
August, Ditto.
September, loafed till the 20th.
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