

Cambridge, Family School for Boys. Joshua Kendall, Principal.

Cambridge, Harvard University. Charles W. Eliot, Principal.

READERS of the College papers are eagerly awaiting the publication, in the Advocate, of a few more of those French letters from Paris.

SNODKINS (who is escorting a meek maiden of the Port to her home). Have n't we got most to your house, Miss?

MEEK MAIDEN OF THE PORT. O dear, no, Mr. Snodkins. We passed my house an hour ago.


THE following is the programme of the Senior Class Theatricals to be given in Union Hall, Boston, next week. Thursday night and Saturday matinee. The Registered Letter and Rumplestilskin; Friday night, A Regular Fix and Romulus and Remus. A few more tickets, which have not yet been distributed, can be obtained at 14 Holyoke. Positively no tickets will be sold at the door. The matinee performance will begin punctually at 3 P. M.

THE following are the subjects for the fourth Junior Forensics:-

I. Is language necessary to thought?

II. Is law necessarily a restraint on individual freedom?

III. Is the natural hostility to new opinions more productive of good or harm?

IV. Did the deprivation of temporal power involve any loss to the Papacy?

V. Should the United States restrict the immigration of the Chinese?

VI. Ought the scholarships offered by the University to be thrown open to the competition of those who are not in need?
