

THE number of petitions granted this week was as follows: Seniors, 25; Juniors, 41; Sophomores, 46; Freshmen, 51. Good for '82.

THERE was a large attendance of the members of '82 at Professor Goodwin's reading of the Agamemnon last Wednesday evening.

ARE not the Freshmen going to give the regular punch? It was such a success last year that it certainly ought not to be omitted.

THE Princeton Sophomores beat the Columbia Sophomores in a foot-ball match last Saturday by a score of 6 goals and 10 touch-downs to 0.

FRESHMEN are informed that H. M. S. "Pinafore" is a perfectly proper comic opera, and therefore will be a suitable entertainment for them to witness.


HE used to call his girl "Revenge," -

Cognomen rather neat, -

For when one asked him why, he'd say,

"You know Revenge is sweet."

PROFESSOR GOODWIN began reading the Agamemnon of Aeschylus at Harvard Hall, last Wednesday evening. He will finish the play in three successive readings.

ANOTHER Charley Ross has been found; but not the one who lost his glasses in the Boston Public Garden more than a year ago, and was advertised in the Herald.

THE rainy weather of the last two weeks has greatly delayed the work on the new Gymnasium, but from present appearances the roof will be completed in a week or two.

THE Executive Committee of the H. A. A. have accepted the offer, made by the editor of the "Sporting Column," of a prize for running and walking, with this proviso, that the contestants shall be members of the Association and that the race shall take place at a field meeting.

The Chapel Monitor's Lament.MY eyes have grown weak from peering in darkness,
