

THE Freshman crew has begun training.

NOW is the time to begin the annual howl for plank walks in the Yard.

THE cups for the last Scratch Races are now ready at No. 1 Beck Hall.

CANDIDATES for the Foot-ball Team are requested to appear on Holmes Field every day at 3.30.

THE Geological section of the Natural History Society has been consolidated with the main body.


No class will graduate from the Law School this year on account of the lengthening of the course.

THE Freshman foot-ball game with Yale was given up, as Yale alleged she was unable to make up a team.

THE Christmas recess extends from Monday, December 23, to Thursday, January 2, both days inclusive.

THE next number of the Crimson will be out on Thursday, instead of Friday, on account of the Christmas vacation.

THERE will be a foot-ball game to-morrow afternoon at 2.30 on Holmes Field between graduates and undergraduates.

THE Finance Club met on Monday evening and adopted a constitution. Meetings are to be held once in two weeks.

ROOM No. 3 in No. 1 Holyoke St. can be had on reasonable terms from the present occupant. Apply immediately.

COMMENCEMENT parts not banded in before the third Wednesday in April, will not be counted in the place of two forensics.

SENIORS and Juniors are reminded that all penalties for tardiness at recitations and other exercises remain in full force.

THE number of petitions granted this week was as follows: Seniors, 25; Juniors, 41; Sophomores, 46; Freshmen, 51. Good for '82.

THERE was a large attendance of the members of '82 at Professor Goodwin's reading of the Agamemnon last Wednesday evening.

ARE not the Freshmen going to give the regular punch? It was such a success last year that it certainly ought not to be omitted.

THE Princeton Sophomores beat the Columbia Sophomores in a foot-ball match last Saturday by a score of 6 goals and 10 touch-downs to 0.

FRESHMEN are informed that H. M. S. "Pinafore" is a perfectly proper comic opera, and therefore will be a suitable entertainment for them to witness.

HE used to call his girl "Revenge," -

Cognomen rather neat, -

For when one asked him why, he'd say,

"You know Revenge is sweet."

PROFESSOR GOODWIN began reading the Agamemnon of Aeschylus at Harvard Hall, last Wednesday evening. He will finish the play in three successive readings.

ANOTHER Charley Ross has been found; but not the one who lost his glasses in the Boston Public Garden more than a year ago, and was advertised in the Herald.

THE rainy weather of the last two weeks has greatly delayed the work on the new Gymnasium, but from present appearances the roof will be completed in a week or two.

THE Executive Committee of the H. A. A. have accepted the offer, made by the editor of the "Sporting Column," of a prize for running and walking, with this proviso, that the contestants shall be members of the Association and that the race shall take place at a field meeting.

The Chapel Monitor's Lament.MY eyes have grown weak from peering in darkness,

And in vain do I stretch out my neck all I can;

I'll get me a lantern like the old Grecian cynic,

And go round to each seat in search of a man.

An Awful Mystery."What made the Ark to move along?"

I've pondered o'er and o'er;

At last I have the riddle solved, -

'T was paddled by a Noah!

THE report that the manager of the Senior Class Theatricals has expressed his willingness to play all the parts in case his large dramatic company and efficient corps of "supes" resign, is incorrect.

THE first regular meeting of the Philosophical Club was held at 47 Grays, on Thursday evening. The question for discussion was "What constitues a rational explanation?"

A PAMPHLET edition of the Constitution and By-Laws of the H. A. A. will soon be published, containing, beside the regulations already printed in the Crimson, rules to govern fencing and sparring matches.

THE "College Directory" does not seem to have been much of a success, to judge from the free way in which it was given away at Memorial the other night. Several men were surprised to find that they had received the degree of A. B.

THE "Harvard Index," containing the usual matter of previous copies, with a few novel features, however, will be ready about the 15th. It will have two styles of binding, one similar to that of last year, the other in leatherette of crimson color.

THE following gentlemen have been appointed ushers at the Senior Class Theatricals: Messrs. N. Curtis, S. Butler, J. T. Coolidge, 3d, Le Roy, Meyer, Mercer, F. M. Ware, Hoppin, Sheafe, J. T. Bowen, Twombley, Cowdin, Denegre.

EXTRACT from the United States School and College Directory:-

Cambridge, Family School for Boys. Joshua Kendall, Principal.

Cambridge, Harvard University. Charles W. Eliot, Principal.

READERS of the College papers are eagerly awaiting the publication, in the Advocate, of a few more of those French letters from Paris.

SNODKINS (who is escorting a meek maiden of the Port to her home). Have n't we got most to your house, Miss?

MEEK MAIDEN OF THE PORT. O dear, no, Mr. Snodkins. We passed my house an hour ago.

THE following is the programme of the Senior Class Theatricals to be given in Union Hall, Boston, next week. Thursday night and Saturday matinee. The Registered Letter and Rumplestilskin; Friday night, A Regular Fix and Romulus and Remus. A few more tickets, which have not yet been distributed, can be obtained at 14 Holyoke. Positively no tickets will be sold at the door. The matinee performance will begin punctually at 3 P. M.

THE following are the subjects for the fourth Junior Forensics:-

I. Is language necessary to thought?

II. Is law necessarily a restraint on individual freedom?

III. Is the natural hostility to new opinions more productive of good or harm?

IV. Did the deprivation of temporal power involve any loss to the Papacy?

V. Should the United States restrict the immigration of the Chinese?

VI. Ought the scholarships offered by the University to be thrown open to the competition of those who are not in need?
