

THE Freshman crew has begun training.

NOW is the time to begin the annual howl for plank walks in the Yard.

THE cups for the last Scratch Races are now ready at No. 1 Beck Hall.

CANDIDATES for the Foot-ball Team are requested to appear on Holmes Field every day at 3.30.

THE Geological section of the Natural History Society has been consolidated with the main body.


No class will graduate from the Law School this year on account of the lengthening of the course.

THE Freshman foot-ball game with Yale was given up, as Yale alleged she was unable to make up a team.

THE Christmas recess extends from Monday, December 23, to Thursday, January 2, both days inclusive.

THE next number of the Crimson will be out on Thursday, instead of Friday, on account of the Christmas vacation.

THERE will be a foot-ball game to-morrow afternoon at 2.30 on Holmes Field between graduates and undergraduates.

THE Finance Club met on Monday evening and adopted a constitution. Meetings are to be held once in two weeks.

ROOM No. 3 in No. 1 Holyoke St. can be had on reasonable terms from the present occupant. Apply immediately.

COMMENCEMENT parts not banded in before the third Wednesday in April, will not be counted in the place of two forensics.

SENIORS and Juniors are reminded that all penalties for tardiness at recitations and other exercises remain in full force.
