

Charles C. Matthews

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Local's Labor Not Lost

W ITH COUNTLESS STORIES of recent labor union losses it is rare to find a group of employees unwavering in

A Human Tragedy

T HE FIERY END of Challenger and her crew is history now, sealed forever into the most uncomfortable corner of

I Buy, Therefore I Am

C onsumerism. The very mention of the word inspires images of Andy Warhol's gigantic Campbell's Soup cans and vacuous shoppers

Wellesley Strike Averted By Three year Contract

Averting a strike scheduled for today, Wellesley College and the union representing nearly 300 of its workers have settled on

Relatives Drop Late Professor's Tobacco Lawsuits

Relatives of a deceased Harvard professor have decided to drop four multi-million dollar lawsuits which the scholar brought against tobacco

Drab Documentary Misses the Beat

A N UNKNOWN ACTOR scurries across a northern California beach. He's playing Jack Kerouac. But this supposedly athletic-looking Beatnik writer

Union Blues

When Kristine Rondeau first walked into a small Tremont St. labor union office 10 years ago, she was optimistic. Rondeau,

Two Skulls Not Linked To Crime, Police Say

Two human skulls discovered in Cambridge, four weeks ago most likely were props in strange rituals and are linked to

Government Gets Tough on Defaulters

The U.S. Department of Education will send more than 80,000 letters this weekend warning students who have defaulted on federal

Whose Recovery?

"The depressing fact is that real poverty in the United States has been increasing at the same time as unprecedented

A Precious Commodity

S EX IS A COMMODITY and, for that matter, so are opinions. That's one of the messages amongst the poverty,

Worker Injures Head After Fall at Quad

A construction employee working at a House in the Radcliffe Quadrangle last week suffered head lacerations and a fractured shoulder

Getting Advice

H old on a second. You thought that your Harvard acceptance letter was also a ticket to unrestrained freedom? No

Who's the Guy Downstairs?

A lthough Harvard professes to spend a great deal of time and effort in matching up roommates, there is great

Police Blotter

The following is a last of thefts assaults and other crimes that occurred during the last week, They are completed
