
Contributing opinion writer

Maibritt Henkel

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Are We Doing Friendship Wrong?

Alex Chueh wants to turn to anyone anywhere and strike up a conversation. Which is exactly what he’s done — over 1,000 times since 2022.

Sex Week Opening 2021
Around Town

What Is Harvard Sex Week Trying to Teach Us?

It’s difficult to generalize Sex Week’s programming from its promotional materials alone: On its Instagram, a Canva graphic publicizing a discussion on religion and sexuality sits near a photo of a beaming student holding an Ass Stroker from PeepShow Toys.

AI Glasses Cover Photo
The Scoop

Could Strangers Become a Thing of the Past?

Media outlets have framed Caine A. Ardayfio ’25-26 and AnhPhu D. Nguyen ’25-26 as architects of a terrifying doxxing device. But the pair argue that their new facial recognition glasses are a “public awareness campaign.”


The Econ Echo Chamber


Harvard Forest Trees

Rethinking Consumption: What We Can’t Grow Out Of

Just because the puzzle of consumption — and the complexities of balancing growth and sustainability — are difficult, it doesn’t mean economics students shouldn’t be invited to ponder, debate, and try to solve them.

Maibritt and Mei Portrait

Harvard’s Bubble Economy Is Not the American Economy

We applaud Harvard’s attempt to free its students from the anxieties of navigating rent, groceries, and utilities. But it is important to recognize that this approach produces a cohort of young people insulated from the economy everyone else is waking up to.

Maibritt and Mei Portrait

The Corporate Balancing Act No One Can Win

If we desire to create an economy where everyone can balance commitments to both family and career, we must think critically about which industries set our standards for success, prestige, and worthiness.

Maibritt and Mei Portrait

What the Economics Department Lets You Forget

A Harvard economics degree ought to entail a genuine reckoning with the moral stakes of the field.
