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Contributing writer

Dalevyon L.J. Knight

Contributing writer Dalevyon L.J. Knight can be reached at

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Lamont Library

Every Harvard Student Should Write a Thesis

If we are truly going to change the world and make an impact in our respective fields someday, then we must strive to produce original knowledge. We can only do so, however, through an institution whose foundation and core curriculum includes original thought and scholarship.

Garbage Collects after Harris Election Night Watch Party at Howard University

Feeling Down About the Election? Here’s What To Do Now.

Our care for America must not merely be confined to a single month each election season. We can make our voices heard far more often — ideally, every day for the next four years.

Deal or No Deal Cover

‘Deal or No Deal’: Learning How to Follow My Intuition

“Deal or No Deal” has become a mantra, an ideology that governs what I — and others — accept or reject.

Sever Harvard Yard

AI is Changing our World. It’s Time Harvard Recognizes That.

As AI changes our world, we must educate ourselves on its benefits and drawbacks. Let us not wallow in our fear and confusion — instead, let’s harness AI to use it as one of our greatest aids.

Dunster Dining Hall Servery

HUDS, Let Us Have a Seat at the Table

As the student body changes, so should our dining hall experience. No student should feel as though their voices are not heard about matters that affect us everyday.

Harvard Law School

Harvard Should Stop Giving Out Grades

The College should recognize the benefits of a lower-stress, more flexible system and replace letter grades with pass-fail.

Pro-Affirmative Action Protesters

Harvard, It’s Time for You To Explain Yourself

Harvard, I call on you to be explicit. There is still an opportunity to rectify the gaps in transparency and provide us with answers.

Pfoho graphic 2024!

Pforzheimer House

Welcome to Pforzheimer House! With its unique polar bear mascot, four residence halls, and luxuries such as the “spfa,” Pforzheimer (colloquially known as Pfoho) is sure to truly excite. Let’s not forget the adorable “pf” puns that make for a fun and tight-knit community (though you might be temporarily sick of them by the time you get to the end of this article). In a world full of river houses galore, residents know that Pfoho is a hidden diamond that lies within the often-overlooked Quad.

Black History Month
Op Eds

No Longer Bound: Accepting All of Who I Am

This Black History Month, I am challenging myself to own all aspects of my identity.

21b Homework
Flyby Blog

An Ode to MQC

Dear MQC, I cannot thank you enough for the hours you have saved me throughout the week. Please never change your collaborative, stimulating, and chaotic self. I love you and all you have to offer, and the day Harvard gets rid of you is the day my GPA tanks.

Pro-affirmative Action Demonstrator Holding Sign
Op Eds

Black Harvard Freshmen, You Belong Here.

Black students have the experiences, intellect, and determination to succeed at prestigious universities. It is time for us, Black Harvard freshmen, to believe in our prosperity.
