
Crimson staff writer

Avani B. Rai

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Fox Club Temporary Location

Fox Club Received Eviction Notice From Landlord Over Noise Complaints, Zoning Code Violations

The Fox Club moved out of a Cambridge residential neighborhood after the property owner served the club with an eviction notice following warnings from the city that their use of the space violated local ordinances.​​​​​​​

Cambridge City Hall Participatory Budgeting
City Politics

City Council Approves Nearly $1 Billion City Budget, but Cautions Against Further Growth

The Cambridge City Council unanimously passed a nearly $1 billion operating budget and $74 million capital budget for the 2025 fiscal year without major modifications during a meeting Monday evening.

Bike Lanes Feature Graphic
City Politics

Flat Tires: How A Divisive Debate Over Cambridge Bike Lanes Left Everyone Unsatisfied

As construction slowly moves forward on bike lanes, the physical separation on a growing number of Cambridge streets has come to represent a bitter division in the city’s politics — and many in the city are at a loss for how it can be bridged.

Cambridge City Hall Participatory Budgeting
City Politics

Cambridge To Consider Developing Overdose Prevention Centers

The City Council unanimously adopted a policy order on Monday supporting state legislation to legalize overdose prevention centers statewide and asked City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 to determine the city’s “willingness to consider hosting an OPC in Cambridge.”

Cambridge City Council Meeting 3/4/24
Cambridge City Council

Cambridge City Manager Unveils Nearly $1 Billion 2025 Operating City Budget Proposal

City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 presented the city’s nearly $1 billion operating budget for fiscal year 2025, along with $36 million in loan order requests and an approximately $74 million capital budget.

Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang '05
City Politics

Cambridge City Manager Huang Acknowledges ‘Difficult Trade-Offs’ Following Contentious Bike Lane Vote

Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 acknowledged the many “horrendous accidents” that have impacted Cambridge’s bikers, but said the passage of a controversial proposal to extend Cambridge’s bike lane expansion deadline reflected a need to make tough decisions on the city’s most contested political issue.

Cambridge Mayor E. Denise Simmons at Cambridge City Council Meeting
City Politics

Cambridge Mayor E. Denise Simmons Urges Caution Against Bike Lane Expansion

Cambridge Mayor E. Denise Simmons cautioned against the rapid expansion of bike lanes at the expense of small businesses and senior citizens.

Cambridge City Hall
City Politics

‘Not Easy’: Cambridge Struggles Toward Carbon Neutrality

Cambridge officials do not know whether the city is on track to meet statewide emission standards by 2030 or a self-imposed goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, according to ​​Susanne Rasmussen.

Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang '05
Cambridge City Council

Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 Elected Co-Chair of Metropolitan Mayors Coalition

Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 will serve as the co-chair of the Metropolitan Mayors Coalition, a group made up of the leaders of 16 municipalities in the urban core of Boston's metro area.

Bike Lanes
City Politics

Cambridge Residents Slam Council Proposal to Delay Bike Lane Construction

The longstanding debate over bike lanes in Cambridge reignited Monday evening, as Cambridge residents lashed out against a proposal to extend the deadline to finish a citywide bike lane network.

Annex Boston Campaign Advertisement
City Politics

‘MegaCambridge’: City Councilor Calls to Annex Boston in $5,000 April Fools’ Joke

Cambridge City Councilor Burhan Azeem has a “400-year-old grudge against Boston” — and it’s no laughing matter.

Rise Up Cambridge
City Politics

Recipients of Cambridge Guaranteed Income Pilot Saw Higher Employment, Study Finds

Recipients of monthly $500 payments as part of Cambridge RISE, the city’s guaranteed income pilot program, had greater full-time employment than a control group, according to a study released Wednesday.

City Council Meeting 3/4/24
City Politics

Tensions Flare At City Council Meeting Over Central Square Lots Study, Starlight Closure

Cambridge City Councilors expressed frustration over the recent Central Square Lots Study during a City Council meeting on Monday.

Cambridge City Hall
Cambridge City Council

Cambridge City Council Maps Agenda For Term, Announces New Role for Climate Sustainability

The Cambridge City Council convened a special meeting Tuesday with city officials to set term priorities and announce the creation of a new position focused on climate resilience.

Cambridge City Hall and Central Square
City Politics

Cambridge Announces Digital Navigator Pilot Program

Cambridge will launch a pilot program helping low-income residents access affordable internet services and technological support, the city announced Tuesday.
