Hannah S. Lee
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Book Cover Graphic
What do book covers say about the books they enclose? A book with a lackluster cover may have difficulty getting plucked off the shelf.
kate home introspection
On the subway, you’re between where you were and where you’re going: everywhere and nowhere all at once. No matter how hard you try, you can’t pin yourself down.
Salt Lake City Temple
It was strange, returning to that personal mecca. It was here that I had made pilgrimages throughout high school and college, where I had implored God for strength and guidance. Now, even as someone unable to enter beyond its foyer, I found myself praying.
Cover Let's Go Graphic
“Let’s Go,” was a travel guide written and produced by student members of Harvard Student Agencies. Today, it has all but disappeared from travelers’ pockets, from the internet, and from Harvard’s campus.