Crimson staff writer
Sophia S. Liang
Sophia S. Liang is the Magazine Chair of the 149th Guard. She can be reached at
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Bringing a Bog Back to Life
David W. Gould is standing at the center of Eel River Preserve, surrounded by grasses, shrubs, and trees stretching in all directions. From this vast expanse of green, he points out the pitch pines, the red maples, the shoulder-high cattails. Light glints off the small stream behind him. A carpet of sphagnum moss squelches beneath his boots.
Wedding Bells Class of 2023
Meet the couples in the Class of 2023 who are married or engaged to be married soon.
Up Close With Remy the Cat
“He’s our cat, but he’s every bit a cat that belongs to the Harvard community as well."
Mapping Inequality at Harvard
"A lot of the inequality that we experience in our lives is embedded into the things that we do, not where we live."
How Far Will Harvard Extend?
The complex relationship between the Extension School and the rest of the University — between the “back door” and the “real Harvard” it opens up to — highlights a glaring paradox: How can a school that’s famous for the number of students it rejects so boldly advertise a “Harvard education designed for you”?
Four Stories, Four Harvard Workers
In the wake of Harvard reducing idled workers' pay to 70 percent during the pandemic, we followed four Harvard employees over the course of three months, conducting interviews on a weekly basis. These four individuals shared their lives with us, and although financial challenges and the pandemic have touched each of them, the pay cut is far from the only reason why these stories need telling.
Corner Pieces
What is the organizing of a Zoom vigil supposed to look like? What kind of advocacy work are we expected to perform while we grieve? How do we protect bodies so tempting they seduce bullets?
A New Take on Debate
The purpose of Ethics Bowl is to examine the ethical facets of real-world cases without the emphasis on speed, one-upmanship, or dogmatism that characterizes traditional debate.
The Heart of Education
“Undoubtedly — I can't say this in stronger terms — this course would have met the highest level of Gen Ed committee evaluation,” he says. “There are other courses that were nowhere near this threshold of quality that you could cut for funding reasons. This is not the one to go.”
Catherine H. Ho
Catherine H. Ho's '21 college experience has come full circle — well, sort of.
Free Fall
Harvard spent months planning a fall semester in the hopes of avoiding a repeat of the spring, when workers were exposed to the full force of the pandemic — including at least one who contracted COVID-19 after cleaning President Lawrence Bacow’s residence on March 19. Yet this fall, workers continue to face new iterations of the same anxieties over workplace safety and economic security.
A New Spin on Pole
The 11 co-owners of Fly Together Fitness are biologists, musicians, educators, and real estate brokers; their ages range from 25 to 53 years old. Despite their diverse backgrounds, a shared love of pole dancing inspired them to build their own cozy, brightly-lit studio in Somerville.