
Crimson staff writer

Nina Luo

Latest Content


Madame Mademoiselle

In those lazy summers of five or six years ago, when every morning we awoke together ready to take on the backyard, we favored one in particular. I wrote a description of that game, Madame Mademoiselle, in my college application essay. My sister watched me compose the first draft.



Student activists recognize their unique access to the Harvard name and resources for making substantive change, and they aren’t simply sitting on such a privilege. As they transition the movement from one of dialogue to policy change, they have also expanded their vision to include communities outside the Yard.


What Should Freshmen Parents Do Around Town?

9:30 a.m.: Wake up for your 10 a.m. Give up on your 10 a.m. Last night’s Thirsty Thursday debauchery certainly doesn’t come for free. Your parents, eyes bright, peek into your miniscule Holworthy double. Lie to your parents, saying you received an email that your [insert class that would never be cancelled] lecture was postponed. Roll back into bed, sinking into the deepest parts of slumber you can only enjoy during truancy.

Love It/Hate It: Man Buns
On Campus

Love It: Man Buns

Today, while traversing that long Siberian stretch from Northwest Labs to Adams, I fell in love. I fell in love with the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life. The laces on his dirt-smacked boots had come untied. His washed jeans, slung sinfully low on his hips, smirked at me across the space that is the stopping of heartbeat when one first catches sight of one’s soulmate. Above these denims was more denim, a jean shirt flapping in the wind. And atop this curated ensemble, perched oh-so-precariously, was a knot of hair, a man-bun, as it is colloquially epitheted, balancing and shimmying to and fro with each pounce of a step.

Harvard Square

Niche Stores in Harvard Square

Honeycombs, 3D puzzles, and ghost chili pepper: A student (or curious tourist) can find all of these niche products on Mass. Ave.

Harvard Kennedy School

Hey Professor!

The Minerva School, an ambitious education project whose founder Ben Nelson described as “the first elite American university to be launched in a century,” opened to students this fall. With an advisory board that includes former Harvard University president Lawrence H. Summers, the school live-streams immersive seminars to students—capped at 19 per class—for $10,000 a year. Instructional methods are based on cognitive learning research conducted by former Harvard Psychology professor Stephen M. Kosslyn, who joins Minerva as Founding Dean. Students live in San Francisco during their first year, then move together to different cities around the world for each of the following six semesters. FM sat down with the Kennedy School’s Paul E. Peterson, Director of the Program on Education Policy and Governance, who analyzed the Minerva program.
