Contributing writer
Aemilia M. Phillips
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Ready to Run
On Monday, April 21 more than 36,000 people will run the Boston Marathon. A year after the bombings at the 2013 Marathon, enthusiasm for the race is higher than ever.
Closing the Gates and Opening the Conversation
Two years out, many former Occupy Harvard participants challenge the notion that Occupy “failed.”
In And Around Language: "Hack"
Although “hack” was not intended to have a negative connotation, it has often referred to those who used technology for malicious purposes; specifically, by gaining unauthorized access to certain computers and online information. However this wasn’t always the case, or the original intention of the word.
Underfunded and Overlooked: The Plight of a Harvard Square Sculpture
Few students, if any, glance up and notice the massive, multi-colored stone sculpture that towers over Out of Town News—one they pass nearly every day.
MYSTIC, Connecticut—The lights on the Charles W. Morgan glitter softly from across the Mystic River as the hulking black ship rocks in the evening light. In the distance a whistle blows, signaling that it’s time for the drawbridge to go up, and for a cluster of white sailboats to cut across into the deep blue Atlantic.
Towards the top of one of the cliffs, I looked away from the crest of Red’s mane and the steep drop below, and turned my eyes to the cerulean blue sky, and the small birds swirling gracefully through the summer air, lazily turning in never ending spirals. For a moment, I was lost, free, dancing with them among the clouds.
Spring Break Postcard: First Steps
Our hair and makeup are done, the bride’s dress is expertly laced up, and the purple and white flowers are bound in bouquets. Now all that’s left is waiting.
Hey Professor! Google Glass
FM sat down with Professor James H. Waldo, Gordon McKay Professor of the Practice of Computer Science, Chief Technology Officer, ...
Five French Things that Should be #Banned
L'Académie française, a branch of the French government, replaced hashtag with the word “mot-diese”. In response to this censoring, FM has compiled its own list of French things that should be #banned.
Harvard Grad Student Raises Awareness About Bicycle Theft
Lulu Z. Li, a student at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, has created a website called Bikenapped, where people ...