
Contributing writer

Paula I Penariu

Latest Content


Taunting Makes Its Way to Congress

Relegated primarily to elementary school playgrounds, taunting, name-calling, and insult-lobbing have made their way into the houses of Congress, according ...


Ground Breaking New Fuel Cells Developed

Materials scientists at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed the first macro-scale thin-film solid-oxide fuel cell, potentially serving as a new source of clean energy.

Student Life

LAB RAT OF THE WEEK: Alex Vasic ’13

On weeknights, Alex Vasic ’13 can often be found in the lab, where he studies hematopoeitic stem cells, the cells responsible for maintenance of the blood and the immune system.

Graduate School of Design

Experts Talk Eco Initiatives

Harvard students and planet-saving enthusiasts gathered yesterday evening at the Graduate School of Design to hear three environmental experts discuss eco-friendly design initiatives and innovative recycling projects as part of a four-part series on resource efficiency titled “Much, Much More, With Much Much Less.”
