

Jacob Cedarbaum

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Stand Up for Voting Rights

Throughout US history, fears about voter fraud and competency have justified policies that aimed at the systematic disenfranchisement of demographic groups considered unworthy to vote.


Dreams from our Fathers?

Tea Party candidates' remarks are increasingly a manipulative and selfish perversion of American history.


Two Cambridges

Though we do not know great famine in this country, we know homelessness, abject poverty, and the misery and suffering which accompany them. In this country and in this city, people still feel the aches of hunger, want, and fear.


All This, We Will Do

So, while it may have become fashionable to bemoan Obama’s perceived inaction or complain that things are not changing fast enough, the American people should have faith.

Harvard Business School

HBS Launches New Entrepreneurial Contest

Last night marked the start of the Business School’s first Alumni New Ventures Contest, which will award $25,000 to one team of entrepreneurs in April.
