

Gracye Y. Cheng

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Making Change Last

Fifty years from now, when I think about Harvard on Election Night 2008, what I’ll remember is a hundreds-strong crowd

Fast Fashion Challenge

THE SHOW New York City may have Bryant Park, but we have The Sanctum. On Saturday night, we put the

Paying it Forward

Tucked between a Rite-Aid drug store and an overgrown field, the converted bank building in New Orient Heights seems unremarkable

The Love-SATs!

Despite being the hub of one of the most famously awkward dating scenes in all of America — where else

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HFAI Revisited

A piece of furniture nearly ruined the beginning of freshmen year for Peter M. Conti-Brown ’05. Conti-Brown, who had just

The Cutest of the CUE

In honor of shopping period, FM brings you the real course ratings for some of Harvard’s most popular classes. Compiled

What the Taxi Driver Said

At one point in my life, I could fluently speak Chinese. Really—I have many fond memories of this elusive ability.

Donald P. Hodel '57

On a warm night during the spring reading period of 1954, Donald P. Hodel ’57—a freshman living in Wigglesworth E-11—received

'Chainsaw Drew'

Woman. First. Historian. Asked to describe her for the first time, critics and admirers alike pulled from a surprisingly similar

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A Haven Behind Closed Doors

Behind a closed door in the basement of Lowell House, two counselors sit in a homey living room. Brightly colored

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Magazine Shines Light on Secret Sphere

As candles dimly lit their faces, students tried to illuminate a normally obscure area of campus discourse. Though they told

Grand Master-Flex

The video begins with the faraway shot of a man in a neat room with a mahogany desk. The camera

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So Debauched Right Now

Monopoly money is already protruding from sweaty crevices everywhere, and it’s only the beginning of the night at Winthrop House’s

Harvard Politics in 2007

In the past few years, attention to politics has shown that if you want to become president of the United

The White House Years of Clinton—Hillary, Not Bill

With a possible presidential race ahead of her in 2008 and a second Senate term recently secured in the 2006
