

Inside Look: Foma and Moma
Student Life

Inside Look: Foma and Moma

Zoey A. Bergstrom '15 and Alex B. Miller '15 wait to enter onto the stage. They play the teleporting twin monks-in-training, Foma and Moma. The two meet many characters as they work to restore order and peace to the world.

Inside Look: Teddy Bear Therapy
Student Life

Inside Look: Teddy Bear Therapy

Alexander G. Smith '15 is the role of King Zinder. He suffers from martial problems and the teddy bear acts as method of therapy. His wife, Queen Schlopa, is played by Angela S. Berkowitz '15.

Inside Look: Marty Jane
Student Life

Inside Look: Marty Jane

Rachel J. Stephens '15 plays Marty Jane, a tour guide who loves pot. She joins the pizza boy, John, and the teleporting twin monks-in-training, Foma and Moma, to save the world.

Inside Look: Sacrifice of the Freshman Musical
Student Life

Inside Look: Sacrifice of the Freshman Musical

James E. Yoder Jr. '15 performs the role of the Llama Lord. He prepares to sacrifice the character Princess Shanara. She is played by Selina Y. Wang '15.

Inside Look: Freshman Musical Costumes
Student Life

Inside Look: Freshman Musical Costumes

Rachel A. Gibian '15, costumer, makes final adjustments on the King Zinder costume of Alexander G. Smith '15. The assistant costumer is Angela J. Oh '15.

Inside Look: Freshman Musical
Student Life

Inside Look: Freshman Musical

The cast and crew of the Freshman Musical: "Pizza Ex Machina: A Slice of Destiny" gather back stage and prepare for Wednesday's dress rehearsal. Opening night is Thursday at 7pm in the Agassiz Theatre. The musical extends into the weekend with performances on Friday at 8pm and Saturday at 2:30pm and 8pm.

Inside look: Set of the Freshman Musical
Student Life

Inside look: Set of the Freshman Musical

An exclusive look into the backstage area of the Freshman Musical. The sets were designed by Christina M. Rodriguez '15 and the props by Emily L. Chen ' 15.

Inside Look: Dress Reheasal
Student Life

Inside Look: Dress Reheasal

The Freshman Musical: "Pizza Ex Machina: A Slice of Destiny" was created exclusively by members of the class of 2015. The script was written by Tomi J. Adeyemi '15, directed by Joey J. Kim '15, and produced by Alexandra M. Kiley '15. This is an inside look backstage during the dress rehearsal on Wednesday evening.

Inside Look: Freshman Musical Band
Student Life

Inside Look: Freshman Musical Band

All the music is performed by members of the class of 2015. The music director is Samuel R. Moore '15, composer is Gus G. Ruchman '15, and the lyrics are by Alice Abracen '15.


Don't Be That Prefrosh

You've seen them before. Heck, once upon a time you even were one. Yes, the prefrosh will arrive this weekend. And, as expected, many of them will be anxious to see the world that is Harvard, scared that they might not fit in, yet hopeful that they'll be lucky enough to find some new friends. Before you hosts out there lose your new admits to the multitude of events and celebrations going on this weekend, you might consider laying some ground rules—you know, so your prefrosh doesn't slowly morph into that prefrosh. High school seniors, take note: here's how to avoid being the talk of the town before you even enroll.


Prefrosh Poser

This weekend our campus will be invaded by swarms of disoriented high school students trying to pass off as 21 as they wander endlessly in search of Annenberg. But prospective students aren't the only ones who can lie about their identity this weekend. Current students can, too! Here are some tips to help you infiltrate the world of prefrosh (and perhaps retaliate) during their short stay.

Admittedly Confused

Hey Prefrosh! Here's Some Real Harvard Lingo

Hey prefrosh, this one's for you. You're obviously smart enough to get into Harvard, but are you smooth enough to pass as a current student? Here are some key terms to help you sound like a true Harvardian during Visitas. Study the words and phrases below before you get to campus and no one will ever know you're a prefrosh.
