

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

A child waves a rose as her caretaker gathers with other union members in chanting "sí se puede," or "yes, we can."

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Union members greet each other as they make their way to Harvard Yard and around Harvard Square.

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Singing group Humanwine performs an original song calling the union to stand together to fight for their rights.

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Students, workers, and Cambridge residents march through Harvard Yard, causing tourists to stop, stare, and even join the crowd.

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Rallyers carry a sign asking for Bread and Roses, reminiscent of the 1912 Bread and Roses strike that took place in Lawrence, MA.

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

Labor Day Workers' Union Rally

A Cambridge City Police officer stands watch over protesters as a crowd blocks off Massachusetts Avenue


Union Says Harvard Violated Contract

SEIU Local 615 has filed a grievance against the University, claiming Harvard is not following the proper protocol for job selection.


Union Protests Schedule Shift

The union that represents the majority of the custodial staff at Harvard has complained to the University that it unfairly changed twenty workers’ hours without consulting the union first.


Students Lobby for University Financial Disclosure

A group of Harvard students is lobbying on behalf of a financial disclosure bill that would increase requirements on the University.

Unite Here Rally

Dining Hall Workers Rally in The Yard

Harvard dining hall workers, students, and Unite HERE members marched through the Yard holding signs and chanting “we want justice” and “union power.”


Dining Hall Workers To Rally in The Square

Yale University dining hall workers and students will join their Harvard counterparts at a meeting for the local chapter of Unite Here to share negotiation strategies they have employed to reach an agreement on their current contract with Yale.



The student activist group SLAM has begun publicizing their first meeting of their Sustainable Jobs campaign, which will be held next Thursday at the First Parish Church.


Students, Union Call For Harvard to Divest from HEI

Five workers at a hotel owned by HEI Hotels & Resorts—a corporation in which Harvard has invested—claim that they were unjustly fired after complaining about poor working conditions and cooperating in a California state investigation into the company.

School of Public Health

FMO Rehires HSPH Janitors

Harvard Facilities Maintenance Operations, an in-house contractor for building and landscape upkeep, said it plans to continue employing 20 janitors, ...


Union Talks Contract Goals

Unite Here Local 26, the Boston-area hospitality union which represents Harvard University Hospitality and Dining Services workers, has kick-started its contract negotiations with the University, launching the fight for what they deem “sustainable jobs” for dining staff.
