

House Life

Quincy Res. Dean Advises No Noise Complaints to HUPD

Quincy House Resident Dean Judith F. Chapman sent out an email to the Quincy community this past Thursday requesting that students refrain from calling the Harvard University Police Department with noise complaints.


Virginia Tech Verdict Repealed

Though the United States Department of Education has repealed its December verdict that found Virginia Tech’s response to a 2007 campus shooting in violation of the Clery Act, emergency protocol at universities will likely remained unchanged.


Police Send Warning After Two Assaults

In the past three days, the Harvard University and Cambridge police departments have reported two violent unarmed robberies in the area around the Harvard campus.


2/17- 3/6: Stolen Cookies

The past three weeks have seen an explosion in theft, particularly of Apple products. Though reports fielded by the HUPD often skew towards the absurd, recent logs have also shown a troubling rise in physical violence committed on campus. As part of our Securitas Series, we've combed through recent HUPD logs and published some of the more colorful entries below.

Undergraduate Council

River Run To Be Watched by Police

Harvard University Police will be out in increased numbers to monitor underage drinking during River Run.

Police in Lamont

Police in Lamont

Harvard University Police officers monitor the outside of Lamont Café while occupiers sit inside.

Police in Lamont

Police in Lamont

Harvard University Police officers monitor the outside of Lamont Café while occupiers sit inside.

Car Crash

Car Crash at Widener Gate Injures Two

Two people were struck by a car on Tuesday at Widener Gate along Mass. Ave.

Extension School

Harvard College Administration Quiet on Abe Liu Incident

As discussion of the 27-year-old Extension School student who was escorted from Weld Hall on Dec. 8 cools down on campus, freshmen have expressed concern about how the administration has handled informing students of the incident.

Extension School

Weld Visitor Abe Liu: I Was Lonely

Abe Liu, a 27-year-old student at Harvard Extension School, was escorted out of Weld Hall on Thursday by Harvard University Police Department officers after sleeping in friends’ rooms in the freshman dormitory and telling students that he was a freshman at the College.

Extension School


In this file photo taken for a Crimson magazine issue earlier in the semester, Abe Liu poses near Widener Library, showing off his taste of fashion. Liu was apprehended by police on Thursday.


Former Police Officer Allegedly Kills Three Family Members, Then Shoots Self

Three people died from gunshot wounds sustained in a domestic altercation in Cambridge on Friday night.


11/11 - 12/1: 'Call it a Night'

The mass exodus from campus over Thanksgiving gave HUPD a welcome respite, save for the verbal altercations that punctuated the break. As part of our Securitas Series, we've combed through recent HUPD logs and published some of the more colorful entries below.


10/21 – 11/10: Running Naked

As Occupy Harvard came to the Yard, the number of demonstrations skyrocketed and the number of loud parties and noise complaints plummeted. As part of our Securitas Series, we've combed through recent HUPD log entries and published some of the more colorful entries below. BY THE NUMBERS Loud parties: 8 Reports of "suspicious activity": 45 Reports of "unwanted guest[s]": 18 Noise complaints: 10 Total value of stolen bicycles: $2,295 Stolen credit/debit cards: 11 Demonstrations: 8 Marijuana-related reports: 4 Total value of stolen copper siding: $2,350

Occupy Harvard's First Night

Occupy Harvard's First Night: An Eyewitness Account

Roberto F. Velez '03, a teaching fellow in the Visual and Environmental Studies Department, shot this video of last Wednesday's Occupy Harvard protest depicting the night as it unfolded.
