
Gov 1310 Cheating Scandal

Lining Up Harvard's Proposed Honor Code
College Administration

Honor Proposal Would Catch Harvard Up, Incrementally, With the Times

While some members of the committee that drafted the proposal acknowledge its limited scope, they maintain that changes to Harvard’s disciplinary process must be incremental to be effective.

Jay Ellison
College Administration

Ellison To Depart Harvard for Chicago This Summer

Ellison, the administrator who helped oversee the adjudication of last year’s Government 1310 cheating scandal, will leave Harvard this summer to become the dean of students in the college at the University of Chicago.


2012-2013 Ad Board Stats Reflect Three-Fold Spike in Academic Dishonesty Cases

According to the statistics, 97 students involved in academic integrity cases were required to withdraw in 2012-2013, the year that saw Harvard’s largest cheating investigation in recent memory.

Hammonds on Sabbatical

Out of Spotlight, Hammonds Quietly Prepares for New Research Initiative

Nine months after she left University Hall and her tenure as dean of Harvard College, Evelynn M. Hammonds is laying the groundwork for a new research initiative and her return to the classroom.

Email Search Scandal Timeline

One Year After Secret Searches, Faculty Say Governance Grievances Fading

In the days and weeks following the announcement of the email search scandal, faculty members loudly voiced concerns over faculty governance and consultation, as well as a loss of trust in administrators that they said had violated their privacy policy and reasonable expectations. But one year later, professors say those concerns have faded within the minds of members of the University’s flagship faculty.

College Life

Committee Refines Honor Board Language as Proposal Moves Forward

Members of the Academic Integrity Committee are in the process of refining the language of a draft proposal for a student-faculty judiciary board that would hear academic dishonesty cases included as a part of what would be the College’s first honor code.


Honor Code Draft Ready for Student Feedback, Faculty Discussion

The Academic Integrity Committee will hold a series of meetings across campus over the next week to solicit student feedback on the honor code.

Honor code draft.
College Administration

As Expected, Honor Code Draft Outlines Student-Faculty Judiciary Board, Integrity Statement

Student members of the Academic Integrity Committee shared the draft Tuesday evening at the first of four meetings scheduled to cull student feedback on the honor code draft.


Ad Board Cheating Statistics from Year That Saw Gov 1310 Yet To Be Made Public

The unreleased statistics are expected to show a number of forced withdrawals in academic dishonesty cases at least three-and-a-half times higher than the previous five-year average of 21.

pfister panel

pfister panel

Undergraduate Council

UC Leaders Present Student Opinion Survey to Email Privacy Policy Task Force

Undergraduate Council President Tara Raghuveer ’14 and UC Vice President Jen Q. Zhu ’14 presented on Tuesday a UC-administered student opinion survey to the task force assembled to review University email privacy policy in the wake of last spring’s email search scandal.


“Doing Good Work in a Noisy, Messy World”: People Cheated in Gov 1310 Last Year

On Monday, you no doubt received but did not actually read an email from Jay M. Harris, Dean of Undergraduate Education and Chair of the Academic Integrity Committee. While its title may have tricked you into thinking it was a guide to actually getting work done when you live in a tiny Wigg suite with four other girls, it was in fact yet another reminder that students at Harvard have cheated.



Gov 1310 Flow Chart

Gov 1310 Flow Chart

According to NCAA bylaw, a student-athlete begins a season of eligibility as soon as he engages in a contest against outside competition. This flow chart follows the path a student-athlete could have taken after being accused of collaboration in the Gov 1310 scandal.

Gov 1310 Timeline

Gov 1310 Timeline

Since resident deans were first made aware of the Gov 1310 cheating scandal in August 2012, the incident has been a central part to many lives at Harvard and affect the athletics teams.
