Crimson staff writer
Kerry M. Flynn
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Five Ways TFs Can Stop Students from Attending Office Hours
As Benjamin Franklin famously (kind of) said, “at Harvard, nothing can be said to be certain, except lazy TFs and overeager students.” Whether because they’re struggling with an assignment or hoping to suck up to their grader, overeager students can regularly be found at TFs’ office hours. So for those lazy TFs out there, here are the top five ways to deter students from showing up when you’re just trying to get ahead on your dissertation and watch some Hulu.
The Benefits Package Unpacked
Harvard has planned an additional “transformative suite of projects” for Allston valued at $10 million, in addition to the $28 million community benefit package. There will also be a $2 million public realm flexible fund.
FY2013 Hires
While the overall size of the faculty stayed virtually the same in FY 2103, the report notes that FAS conducted 73 tenured or tenure-track searches in the past year, the highest number since the financial crisis. In total 46 job offers were extended, 21 to women and 15 to minorities. Of those offers, 28 candidates accepted, nine declined, and the statuses of another nine are classified as pending.
Gov 1310 Timeline
Since resident deans were first made aware of the Gov 1310 cheating scandal in August 2012, the incident has been a central part to many lives at Harvard and affect the athletics teams.
Gov 1310 Flow Chart
According to NCAA bylaw, a student-athlete begins a season of eligibility as soon as he engages in a contest against outside competition. This flow chart follows the path a student-athlete could have taken after being accused of collaboration in the Gov 1310 scandal.
Endowment 2013
Harvard's endowment saw an 11.3 percent return on its investments, rising to $32.7 billion.