
Features and Series

Harvard passive aggression

A Guide to Harvard’s Passive Aggression

Whether you’re an incoming freshman or a socially confused upperclassmen, conversation at Harvard can be more challenging than even your hardest classes. Thought Poisson distribution was hard? Try holding a conversation. With underlying meaning and inflection, it can be difficult to decipher someone's true meaning and intention. That’s why we’ve compiled a few common passive aggressive phrases to keep in the back of your mind during the conversation or when you overthink about it after (or maybe even to use on other people ;)).

you will get friends in berg

How To: Maximize Your Harvard Freshman Year

As the fall semester approaches, Harvard Yard is ready to welcome about 1,600 new faces to campus: freshmenyes (aka frosh). The once-titled “pre-frosh” will transition to frosh and truly begin to understand what Dean Khurana means by a transformative experience. The “transformative experience” looks a little different for every student at Harvard, but there are some commonalities or, shall I say, opportunities that frosh won’t want to miss.

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Awkward Freshman Moments

We all remember freshman year. Your young, hopeful self, so full of optimism and excitement, not yet aware of the sometimes less-than-appealing Berg food (can we please have another conversation about grapes on pizza?!), the endless p-sets, and the insane amount of time spent in Lamont crying. Some of us probably wish we could go back to our optimistic, naive freshman self. Others of us, well, we remember the less commemorable aspects of freshman year that easily alleviate any FOMO we might have. Here are a few awkward freshman moments we should all be grateful to be rid of…

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Fill-In-the-Blank for a Last-Minute Extension Email

Dear Professor ______ (insert name here),

guess the berg convo graphic

Guess the Annenberg Conversation

One thing you will quickly realize about Harvard: very few conversations are what you would consider… normal. That is to say, many of the conversations have a subtext of evaluation without being overtly evaluative. Or, sometimes they are. You’ll see what I mean. So, a fun game to play in Berg is: Guess! That! Convo!

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A Guide to Harvard Campus References

Welcome to Harvard and to some, welcome back! As the new semester encroaches upon us, we would like to take a moment of reflection and pass on to the next generation the campus lore from the past few years.

Welcome, Class of 2028!

Flyby Presents: A Guide for Frosh

Welcome, class of 2028! We're Flyby Blog, your source for campus hacks, local tips, and general Harvard commiseration. To help you transition from sad high schooler to self-actualized Harvard student, we've provided a few articles so you can catch up:

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Dear Seniors: Need a Last-Minute Graduation Outfit? Here Are Some Ideas.

Don’t know what you’re wearing to graduation yet? Having a last-minute closet breakdown? We’re here to help.

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Dear Seniors: Here Are Some Great Locations for Commencement Photos

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to capturing the essence of your Harvard experience.

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Flyby's Commencement Feature: Senior Edition

As you prepare for commencement, here are some of our tips and ideas for how you can prepare for your big day and post-grad life.

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Dear Seniors: Here Are Some Post-Grad Plans If You Don't Have a Job

So you’re graduating, and you didn’t secure a six figure starting salary for your first job out of Harvard. Or maybe you want to ignore the reality of adulthood for the next few months. Here are Flyby’s suggestions for how to live your best life after graduation.

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Flyby's Commencement Feature: Sibling Edition

We wrote some special articles just for you so you can get the most out of your sibling's big moment. Check out these articles for a break from doomscrolling and insight into your very own Harvard experience.

Sibling Harvard Square Guide graphic

Younger Siblings: Here’s Where in Harvard Square is Actually Cool

Hopefully these spots will keep you from being bored to tears while everybody else fawns over your sibling. Hang in there — your time will come soon enough!

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Siblings: Here’s Where to Get a Cheap Graduation Gift Nearby

Let’s face it, graduation season is expensive. If you’re a Harvard sibling looking to get brownie points with your soon-to-be rich consultant sibling but don’t want to burn a hole in your wallet, this one’s for you.

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Dear Siblings: These Are the Harvard Spots You Should Sneak Into

Make sure to force your sibling to let you check out the hidden gems on our campus before they lose swipe access forever…
